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Hurricane Season Car Safety Tips

Preparing your vehicle for hurricane season

If you live in the Caribbean, then hurricanes are a possibility between the months of June and November. Whether or not these storms are common in your area, hurricanes bring heavy rain and strong winds. Therefore, it is important to be prepared in case one does come your way.


These storms can cause damage to not only your home but your car, too. Certain steps must be taken to protect your vehicle from the approaching storm. Here are a few tips to help you prepare your vehicle for hurricane season:


Complete Car Maintenance

Throughout the year, you should be keeping up with car maintenance. However, not everyone does. As you are preparing for a hurricane, it is even more important to ensure your vehicle is in good condition. This is because an evacuation may be required, and you will rely on your car to get you to a safe location. Check the car’s fluid levels. This would include oil, transmission, brake, power steering, coolant, and windshield wiper fluids. In addition, you should check the vehicle’s belts, tires, and battery.


If you do not feel comfortable performing these maintenance tasks, take it to a local mechanic. 


Assemble An Emergency Kit

You may not have roadside assistance. Even if you do, a car emergency kit can come in handy in the case of an emergency. When preparing for a storm, pack your trunk full of items that will aid you if an unexpected situation were to arise. You could even keep these items in your vehicle after hurricane season comes to an end. Here are a few items to include:


  • Jumper Cables

  • Gas Canister

  • Tool Kit

  • Tire Jack

  • Flashlight with Batteries

  • Radio with Batteries

  • Blanket

  • First Aid Kit

  • Motor Oil


Park In A Safe Area

Park your car in a garage, if you have one. Back the vehicle into the garage. This way it will make it easier and faster to get the vehicle out in the case of an evacuation. If you do not happen to have a garage, park away from trees, power lines, light poles, and other things that could fall onto your vehicle and cause damage.


Fill Up The Tank

If you know of an approaching hurricane, fuel up the tank ahead of time. You can also fill up a gas canister, just in case. It can be difficult to get to a gas station if you wait. Along certain routes, supply may be limited. Plus, you will have to sit in long lines, because you waited until the last minute.


Be Informed

Keep up with the progression of the storm. When is it expected to reach your area? How bad is it supposed to be? Watch the local news to find out this information and their recommendations. Be informed on the emergency evacuation routes. Go over this information as a family.

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